Sally practiced a poem that she chose about taking care of the earth. Click below to enjoy her video.
Many classrooms on the Kg-first grade hall have trees painted on the walls. Mrs. B's tree has transformed into a singing sensation. Students can't wait for their turn to bring their tree to life! Jack's classmates cheered his job well done with Way Up High in the Apple Tree.
Other educational uses of videos and animations:
Our technology class in SC joined a collaborative project in Oregon about where toys are made. They are developing their scripts, recording each other, editing their work, and are looking forward to seeing their toys come to life on a video.
Students who needed more incentive to learn their math facts practiced and practiced to be able to earn their turn with Crazy Talk. Each student recorded themselves reciting math facts and chose their crazy character. The video clips were combined to make a very crazy math facts movie. After joining in with so many characters reciting their nine-times-tables, students can surely say them in their sleep now.
One class has brainstormed an impressive list of video topics. Many second graders want their character to teach a lesson like tornado safety, fire drills, or how to be a good friend. Videos clips of each student was combined to make a class video of good friends who like to stay safe.
Another class has big plans to enhance a language arts projects on personification - I guess we can just say that this time their ideas will be super-personified.
To see more of our CRAZY TALK5 video clips go to We hope these spark ideas for your school. Share your idea with us -we would love to hear from you!
contact JoNelle Gardner, technology teacher at